Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Belated Farewell to Lionheart

Before I begin,I'd like to apologize for not posting for so long.Truth be told I was lacking real inspiration.Nothing in comics had really caught my eye lately so I refrained from writing about just anything.Then I thought about commenting on the recent broadcast end of legendary daytime drama "All My Children",but the show had dropped in quality so badly,it's not the soap I grew up with nor the one I enjoyed as an adult(plus I didn't want to bore readers ranting with my dislike for alleged actor Cameron Mathison).

So regretfully I must write about the passing of a one of a kind personality in the sport of auto racing.Dan Wheldon lost his life in a multi-car incident at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway Indycar season finale.There were few drivers as nice or as talented as the man known as Lionheart.On the track he was as fierce a competitor as anyone.Off the track he always made time for fans and media.Combining a bright personality,a great sense of humor and what I can only call a unique love of fashionable shoes made him stand out in the Indycar Series.This was not an easy task in this era when open-wheel was on a downward slide and most of the press was concentrated on Danica-mania.His first Indy 500 win was overshadowed by Danica Patrick's 4th place rookie of the year effort,but he took it in stride and won the season championship.His second 500 win this year was once again overshadowed somewhat by rookie JR Hildebrand's last lap crash in the wall and his own status as a part-time driver.That was supposed to change next year as he was set to rejoin Andretti Autosport to take over the seat abandoned by NASCAR bound Danica,whom he since had become friends with.

I think ESPN's Jeremy Schaap said it best when he said in the past Dan would have been as big a name as any in sports as a 2 time Indy 500 winner.He probably could have used his oval racing skills in NASCAR and made more money and fame.He probably could have had a journeyman's ride in Formula 1 and lived comfortably.He chose to make US open-wheel racing his life.It's a shame open-wheel also took his life.

Farewell Lionheart.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Comics and Race:How Far Have We Come?

Recent events have put a major spotlight on diversity in the comic book industry.The biggest probably was the recent announcement of the new Ultimate Spiderman.After a storyline where Peter Parker sacrificed himself to save Aunt May from the Green Goblin,it was announced that a new character would don the mask in Marvel’s Ultimate Universe.The character will be half African-American and half Latino.The response was quick,but not necessarily pretty.Some were downright hostile calling it political correctness gone amok.

I’ll admit to being to being somewhat conflicted about this.As an African-American I want to see the diversity of our society represented.However as a devoted comic fan I can’t say I’m comfortable using established characters as opposed to introducing new ones.Certainly there are some exceptions like DC’s Green Lantern John Stewart and Mr. Terrific Michael Holt,but the former has the advantage of being part of an intergalactic law enforcement unit with multiple members while the latter took over a identity that had been dormant for two decades or more so he could make it his own.
Writer Brian Michael Bendis ,whose own adopted sons(one African-American,one Nigerian)played a major factors in his decision to make this change,has a major task ahead of him.The critics will be poised to pounce at any problem be it sales drops or even perceived storyline issues.Whatever happens he need to  stay the course and stay true to his ideas.He has a unique opportunity with Ultimate Spidey.Here’s hoping it’s a sucesss.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The DCnU:A fan's eye view

DC Comics is making major changes to some of the most familiar characters in comics.So forget everything you know about DC.

Well almost everything...

Acually in certain cases don't forget anything.

Already confused?I'll try to explain.In an effort to re-establish and re-purpose their comic line,DC is revamping its stable of superheroes,vigilantes and other assorted characters with everything from new costumes to new team lineups to even new origins.All apparently in an effort to pick up new readers.

However,classifying what they've done has been difficult due to the somewhat inconsistent statements by DC.While there are apparently major changes in store for Superman(as people may actually be skeptical of the man of steel in his debut)and Wonder Woman(her own recent revamp may be the new status quo),There maybe little if any changes to the Green Lanterns(all four human ring bearers apparently have a presence)and Batman and his supporting cast(nearly every Robin has a role in the DCnU from original turned Nightwing Dick Grayson to current mantle holder Damian Wayne).

All these changes haven't come without a good deal of controversy and debate.Some for characters you might not expect.Take the recent revelation concerning Batgirl.After being shot by the Joker left her confined to a wheelchair, leading her to become super hacker Oracle,Barbara Gordon will be back on the streets of Gotham as Batgirl.Good news for old-school fans who read her adventures,bad news for current fans who either liked current Batgirl Stephanie Brown or preferred Barbara as Oracle.

Then there's the apparent diversity initiative.As an African-American I can appreciate the sentiment but it still seems a bit narrow in my view.Sure Cyborg will apparently be a new "founder" of the Justice League(apparently sacrificing his Teen Titans history),Mr Terrific received his own solo title(while his teammates in the Justice Society are in hiatus),Milestone mainstay Static is poisitioned as a major player and Firestorm is now a unique merger attempting to personify the initiative.The problem seems to be any other race being represented.No major images with asians,latinos or any other group.

With Comic-con in San Diego only days away,hopefully we will get more concrete answers on the fate of the DCnU,the characters,and it's future as far as comics,TV,movies and other media arenas.We can only hope for the best.